Dahabians & Proud
Dahabians are an eclectic set of people, coming from all over the world but united by one civic goal… to make & keep Dahab special.
Red Sea…Plastic Free
Red Sea will be plastic free . The Red Sea Governorate strictly prohibits the use of single-use plastic in order to preserve the marine environment
PADI ReActive
PADI ReActivate is the perfect program if you haven’t been diving for a bit, or even many years and you want to brush up your diving knowledge and skills.
Flights Return
On October 22nd 2019 it was announced by the British Government that the flight ban affecting direct flights from UK to Sharm has been lifted!
Dahab Beach on National Geographic
Dahab is one of the best Middle East beaches according to National Geographic’s “Top Beaches in the Middle East” list.
Dahab paradise
Lynne has written another article. This time it is about Dahab paradise (then and now) for the popular Egypt based publication ‘Hello Egypt’. We hope you enjoy reading it.
Refuse, Reuse, Recycle
Little acts will eventually make a difference, & doing your bit to educate those around you.
What it feels like to have a holiday here
Our wonderful guess Lynn Rowley decided to write a blog to explain her holiday here & how it made her feel
Dahab Underwater
If you fancy trying something life changing, a plunge in the deep blue. I did, I submerge in Dahab underwater and changed my life.