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Christmas and New Year in Dahab

Christmas and New Year in Dahab

Winter Holidays 2014-2015

Fancy getting away from the hustle and bustle of a Christmas in the UK?
Why not let someone else cook Christmas Dinner, while you are out DIVING?
Why not experience the FIRST sunrise of 2015 Dahab style.

If you fancy doing something different, come and enjoy our lovely ‘home from home’ atmosphere here at Dive Urge and has an unforgotten Christmas and New Year in Dahab.

On Xmas day, enjoy some chilled scuba diving and maybe you will even see Santa 🙂 Followed, in the evening with a wonderful Xmas dinner, organic turkey and all the trimmings, but with a difference…on the beach.

New Years Eve is a great night too…. you will be whisked up into the mountains, fed beautiful BBQ food and enjoy the amazing stars. This year we are even offering a free nights camping in the desert, so you can wake up to a stunning sunrise for the first day of the year.

What better way to start the New Year 2015 ?

Dive Urge Sunset
New Years Dinner in Dahab
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